Royal Northern Sinfonia: Brahms’ Clarinet Quintet

Main House Theatre  |  29 March 2024


The lush Romantic music of Johannes Brahms sits at the heart of this concert by the musicians of Royal Northern Sinfonia.

Richard Strauss Sextet from Capriccio

Johannes Brahms Clarinet Quintet

Johannes Brahms String Sextet No 2. in G major

The String Sextet No. 2, for two violins, two violas and two cellos, is a rich, vivid piece that shows off the full range and colour of the string section.

The Clarinet Quintet is a bold, lively showcase for clarinet and string quintet that proves it’s never too late in life to create something beautiful.

Brahms declared himself retired the year before he wrote it but on hearing a popular clarinet player of the time, picked up his pen and got writing again. It turned out to be one of his best.